Ready to see your book succeed? Whether you’re just now sitting down to write, searching for a publisher, or wondering how to market your book, we have the tools you need. Partnering with Mark Bowser, Stephen Woessner, Katherine Anne, Dawn Jones and others, Made for Success has launched a podcast series just for you. Book Publisher Bryan Heathman shares insights for authors and speakers, from his experience as President of Made for Success Publishing, sharing tips, tricks and formulas for writing and getting published.
Our tools include naturally stimulating demand for books and audiobooks from the speaking platform, setting up your in-home podcast studio, navigating the labyrinth of self publishing options for new authors, the process of getting a literary agent to shop your manuscript to publishers that pay an advance on royalties, and more!
Bryan Heathman is the President of Made for Success Publishing. Bryan works with best-selling authors in the role of publisher and marketer, including the late Zig Ziglar, Chris Widener and John C. Maxwell. Bryan is the author of Conversion Marketing, a marketing book that condenses knowledge on website conversion from 7-years running an online ad agency. Bryan’s Fortune 500 experience includes running high impact marketing campaigns for Microsoft, Eastman Kodak and Xerox.