Professional editing services to refine your manuscript and get it publishing-ready.
Copy Editing a manuscript is a detailed line-by-line review, focusing on spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Our expert editors at Made for Success use the Chicago Manual of Style to ensure accuracy and consistency.
This is where editors start to really begin breaking into the flow of thought. Prepare for your manuscript to undergo a powerful round of feedback, with an emphasis on structure, flow, and content. Developmental edits ordinarily focus on enhancing the overall narrative and ensuring your story resonates with readers. When Made for Success editors perform a Developmental Edit, they also include a Copy Edit.
Designed for the author who demands the best for their manuscript, the Content Editor not only performs a Developmental Edit with writing suggestions, but is an excellent writer who also writes the suggested materials. The author has full approval over the final product.
Our manuscripts have repeatedly been decorated with numerous prestigious awards. This is largely a testament to the talented authors that we’ve had the good fortune of working with, but also showcases our commitment to excellence in our editing services.
Apply here for a complimentary editorial review of the first 2,000 words of your manuscript. We will copy edit the material and provide a review of what the editing team sees in your submission.