by Bryan Heathman A mentor of mine once said there are two reasons for doing anything: the STATED reason, and the REAL reason. The REAL reason is the thing that impels us to act. So, what drives us into action? The REAL reason is what makes a football player finish a championship game with a taped-up dislocated elbow – an …
Leadership and Ambition: Get Your Dream Into High Gear
by Bryan Heathman What’s your greatest ambition? Do you know where the road of life is taking you? Do you know who’s taking the ride with you – those who share your ambitions? Ambition fuels your goals, ignites the fire of life that kindles behind your eyes. It makes smoke curl from your nostrils as the restless engine of your …
Leadership and Endurance: Staying Up When Things Look Down
by Bryan Heathman Everyday the world is made fresh, and no two days are alike. No one stays the same from day to day, or even moment to moment, because each experience brings new opportunities and fresh perspective. We touched on this lightly in a previous article, Effective Leadership: Igniting the Vision for Others. You can tap this concept and …
Leadership and Logistics: The Art of Delegating
by Bryan Heathman The saying goes that Management is doing things right, and Leadership is doing the right things. It sounds good on the surface – leaving the details up to the Managers while the Leaders lead. Or play golf. But how can you be an effective Leader if you’re not aware of the logistics involved in your enterprise? At …
What Is A Leader? Defining Leadership Qualities for Success
by Liv Montgomery What does it take to be a Transformational Leader? You know what I’m talking about – that one in a million, riveting presence. I’m talking about the kind of person who enters the room and the very air around them scintillates with excitement. Heads turn. People are drawn in as if by some gravitational force, and this …
Effective Leadership: Igniting the Vision for Others
I recently read an antique book on Time Management called How To Live on 24 Hours A Day. It was written by a man named Arnold Bennett at the dawn of what we now know as the Personal Development movement, way back in 1910. You’d think a book written at that time would be full of outdated ideas and dull …
Decoding Body Language: What You’re Secretly Communicating About Your Leadership
What are you saying with your body language, without speaking a word? Like it or not, your non-verbal communication is painting the big picture of what you say, far more than your words. Imagine a time before the spoken word, thousands of years ago when cavemen relied on gestures and eye contact for communication. For one thing, it was prudent …
How To Speak with Anyone: 3 Tips for Getting Your Point Across Clearly
by Bryan Heathman Who is the most effective conversationalist you know? What makes them stand-out in the crowd? Public figures like Cicero, Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan live on today because of their verbal prowess. They knew how to move nations with their ideas. In communicating your ideas in a conversation, have you given thought to the structure you …
A Leader’s Communication – 3 Tips for Converting Hearts & Minds with Words
by Bryan Heathman Increasingly, as the shrinking world encroaches on that endangered species known as Attention, the need to influence – and to influence quickly – grows more urgent all the time. Whoever said, “Talk is cheap” obviously wasn’t sending a text message to his teenager. The price of Attention grows more precious all the time. Whether you’re trying to …
When Fortune Finds You, Will You Be Ready?
by Bryan Heathman Publisher, Made For Success Follow These Best Practices for Crafting Your Position As A Leader There are many styles of Leadership, as any glance at a Google search will tell you. Try typing the term “Leadership Styles” into your browser and see what comes up. You’ll find close to a million results. That means the …