Wendy is a coach, strategist, writer, entrepreneur, speaker and principal of Wendy Hearn Coaching, an international coaching company. She works with business owners, leaders and executives who want strategies to be successful, move to excellence and achieve profound breakthroughs. Wendy is passionate, inspiring, enthusiastic and her contagious energy makes her fun to work with. She’s a catalyst who brings out …
Endless Prospects: Who Do I Talk To Next Now That My Original List Of Names Is Running Out? Part III
by Bob Burg Now you are really working from strength. Why? Plain and simply, because you are, day by day, developing a huge, ongoing list of new prospects! Since the typical person you meet has a natural sphere of influence (those they know) of about 250 people, every time you cultivate a win/win relationship with one new person, based on …
Endless Prospects: Who Do I Talk To Next Now That My Original List Of Names Is Running Out? Part II
by Bob Burg When we left off last article, you had just met some nice, quality people at a local area event. Maybe it was a “business-after-hours-type of function.” Possibly a charity ball. Maybe it was simply a party you attended at a friend’s home, where you didn’t know many of the others who were there. And, using the prospecting/networking …
Endless Prospects: Who Do I Talk To Next Now That My Original List Of Names Is Running Out?
by Bob Burg No question about it; your company provides the best product or service in your field. So, what’s the problem? Only that without an ongoing and ever-increasing number of quality names that you can add to your list on a daily basis, you’ll eventually run out of people to share your products or services with. That thought can …
The 10 Secrets to Marketing Success
by David Kinard In today’s competitive world, there are many different beliefs about how to market a product or service. Regardless of approach, however, there are some core concepts that are found in every successful marketing program, effort and plan. By incorporating these traits into your marketing activities, you will increase the effectiveness of your marketing communications. Commitment: No matter …
The Right Tool for the Job
by David Kinard Likely the one greatest challenge plaguing many companies today is how do they measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. One great tool for evaluation, originally developed by George Black, is the CAST system. This analysis model can be applied to any marketing effort, including ads, newsletters, press releases and more. The benefit of evaluating your marketing …
Four Easy Steps to Effective Advertising
by David Kinard Advertising your product or service through print is one of the most powerful methods of promotion. However, all too often we end up wasting our efforts and resources on ineffective advertising. Since more than 3000 advertising messages bombard us each day, you can use these simple steps to increase your advertising’s effectiveness and reach through all the …
All That’s Fit to Print
by David Kinard Newsletters are a great way to stay in touch with customers, prospects and other influencers of your business. The newsletter is a dynamic tool that can be informative, a sales tool and a loyalty builder. However, newsletters are often handled haphazardly by many organizations who fail to plan, develop and implement appropriately. In fact, many newsletters are …
Fripp and Garfinkel’s Tips for Marketing Success
by Patricia Fripp, CSP, CPAE Ideas from Confessions of an Unashamed Relentless, Self-Promoter audio album and Fripp’s book Make It! So You Don’t Have to Fake It. Does your marketing match your image? If you deliver a quality product or service, your marketing materials should reflect this. Your image, reflected by your advertising, should do two things: * Convince people …
Recession Marketing: Lead or Get Left Behind
by David Kinard Concept notes from PSAMA luncheon featuring Jan Edmondson of DDB Worldwide, Seattle. Marketing in an Economic Downturn VisionResolveExecution VISIONAbility to articulate and communicate a passionate vision. “Create a cause, not a company” Guy Kowasaki, CEO Garage.com Vision goes beyond bricks and mortar, revenue and profit goals. * Believe in something. * Know the end. * Have a …