Is there some secret branding sauce you can slather onto a marketing message that is otherwise dry as toast? Does your brand need to be as searing as a blacksmith’s red hot poker, scorched into the buyer’s mind? Does it need to be cooked up over some sorcerer’s caldron during the dark of the moon and sprinkled like fairy dust …
Branding for the Big Bucks
Where could your business go if you released your limitations? With the right kind of branding, you can break through untold barriers and realize your professional dreams. But what exactly is branding? Your branding is the way people perceive you and your mission – whether it’s your company, your personal career branding at work or even your private objectives. Branding …
Laughter is the Best Medicine
“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” ~Mark Twain If you are in a Leadership role, giving a presentation, or talking in front of a group, then you know how hard it can be at times to get your ideas across. Winning over your audience can be tough, especially if you don’t first establish …
Did You Say What I think You Said!?
As a leader, you’ve probably heard lots of talk about empowering others. It’s a great concept, but when you get right down to it, there’s little evidence that it’s actually happening whenever it really is happening. Even more important, there are times when the leader’s job is to, uh… y’know – LEAD. As a leader, you’re privy to a lot …
RESPECT – Find Out What it Means to Me
If we asked Aretha Franklin’s advice on leadership, what would she say? “RESPECT, that is what it means to me. Just a little respect, just a little bit!” Respect is a funny thing, especially as it relates to Leadership roles. Some people offer their respect to everyone they meet, freely and gladly. They live by the credo, “My respect is …
Convert Browsers into Buyers: The Psychology of Online Selling
by Bryan Heathman When it comes to best practices in online selling, few people understand the key to transforming a casual visitor into a delighted customer. It doesn’t happen by magic, though many marketing professionals have been known to work up a few incantations around the warm glow of a computer screen. Go ahead, laugh if you will. But haven’t you wished …
Standing On the Shoulders of the Giants In Your Industry
What does it take to become a legend in your industry, someone whose legacy will live on for the next hundred years and beyond? What does it take for your life’s work to have meaning outside your own backyard – to transcend the here and now? How can you leave a legacy for those who come after you in the …
The 4 Components for Developing an Epic Brand
by Bryan Heathman “What we learn only through the ears makes less impression upon our minds than what is presented to the trustworthy eye.” ~ Horace Wherever you are, whatever professional path you’re pursuing, you’ve got to come across to the people you want most to reach. If you want to have any influence at all, you’ve got to grab …
Setting Career Objectives: 9 Steps to Achieve Career Goals
by Elizabeth Conley How to Set Career Objectives & Achieve Career Goals Many people find that the pressures of juggling with work, family and everyday life means that our career goals and career plans are more difficult to achieve than we had hoped. Well-intended resolutions such as setting up new career objectives are soon given up. However, when …
How to Take this Year to the Next Level
by Dave Ramsey Last year I set an intimidating and seemingly unreachable goal for myself – to complete a marathon. Overwhelming? Definitely. Crazy? Probably. Reachable? YES. There was no question of whether I would do it halfway, just doing enough to get by. I was going to give it my all. To do this, I knew I was going to …