Be Encouraged For Weight Loss!

by Greg Landry On the road to weight loss, fitness, and health, you can easily become discouraged. In fact, discouragement is what leads many people to give-up when they may have been near a point of significant progress and encouragement in their program. I’ve put together my “top 10” points of encouragement to help keep your spirits high on your …

Assessing Your Cardiorespiratory Fitness

by Greg Landry Your Cardiorespiratory (aerobic) fitness level is improved through a program of consistent aerobic exercise such as walking, swimming, jogging, cycling, aerobic dance, rowing, etc. Increasing your Cardiorespiratory fitness level is important because of the many positive affects on your health and well-being. It has a direct affect on your quality of life and it enables to you …

Are Your Sleep Habits Affecting Your Weight Loss?

by Greg Landry I know that it may seem a bit too simplistic to assume that a change in your sleep habits could aid your weight loss efforts. However, let’s take a look at this. Follow my logic – backwards: 1. I believe that developing helathy eating habits are much easier if you’re exercising five to seven days per week …

Aerobic Cross-Training for Weight Loss

by Greg Landry Do you sometimes get bored with your aerobic exercise? Do You sometimes feel like you’re not getting the results you should from your aerobic exercise? If so, then aerobic cross-training is for you. Aerobic cross-training refers to using two to three different types of aerobic exercise during an exercise session. For example, if you plan to exercise …

What To Do When You Don’t Feel Like Exercising!

by Greg Landry You know the feeling – your alarm clock wakes you at 5:30 for your morning walk and sometimes you just don’t feel like doing it. So, what should you do? Well, sometimes, you should probably just go back to bed. However, that should be the exception rather than the rule. Your best bet for working through this …

What’s Your Fitness Level?

by Greg Landry Here’s a quick and easy way to estimate your fitness level. This was developed by Kasari and is gives you a fitness score that is indicative of aerobic fitness. Calculate your fitness score by multiplying your score for each category (score = intensity x duration x frequency). For example if you walked at a moderately heavy intensity …

Top 20 Benefits of Exercise

by Greg Landry 1. Elevates your metabolism so that you burn more calories everyday. 2. Increases your aerobic capacity (fitness level). This gives you the ability to go through your day with less relative energy expenditure. This enables a “fit” person to have more energy at the end of the day and to get more accomplished during the day with …

Top 18 Benefits of Weight Training

by Greg Landry 1. Weight training tones your muscles which looks great and raises your basal metabolism… which causes you to burn more calories 24 hours-a-day. You’ll even burn more calories while you’re sleeping. 2. Weight training can *reverse* the natural decline in your metabolism which begins around age 30. 3. Weight training energizes you. 4. Weight training has a …

Top 10 Weight Loss and Fitness Myths

by Greg Landry WARNING: Don’t weight train until after you’ve lost weight! No, no, no, no, pleeeeease don’t believe that headline! That’s one of the many myths associated with weight loss and fitness. If you’re interested in losing weight and getting fit as quickly as possible, don’t let these myths throw you off track; Myth #1 – Some fancy exercise …

Top 10 Traits of Successful Losers!

by Greg Landry I’ve worked with hundreds of people who were interested in losing weight. Over the years I started to notice that the people who were successful at losing weight and maintaining that loss, had several traits in common. If your goal is to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off, my suggestion would be to make …