Give Your Metabolism the *Super-Boost*

by Greg Landry Lots of people want to “boost” their metabolism. I know that because I receive a few hundred email messages every month with questions about pills and other potions to boost metabolism. I think you know that those don’t work. However, the need to boost metabolism is a legitimate one. I believe that the main reason so many …

Get Fit on a Shoestring Budget

by Greg Landry Aside from all the health benefits of exercise, a good exercise program can also help you save money and possibly make more money….and you can implement an effective, comprehensive exercise program with very little expense. Research has demonstrated that people who exercise on a regular basis save thousands of dollars in medical expenses over a lifetime. Because …

Flip Your Fat-Burning Switch

by Greg Landry I’d like you to imagine that there’s a switch on your forehead. Everytime you flip that switch, it does three things: 1. It elevates several of your body’s hormones that tell your body to burn more fat. 2. It decreases hormones that tell your body to store fat. 3. It gives your metabolism (basal metabolic rate) a …

Faster Fat Loss That’s Healthy

by Greg Landry I received a telephone call from a lady last week. Her first word was “heeeelp”! She was on a weight loss program and only losing about one half pound per week. She wanted to speed things up but didn’t want to do anything that was unhealthy. Here’s what I told her: If you’re interested in losing fat, …

Elizabeth Chose A Drastic Change

by Greg Landry Research continues to indicate that Americans are becoming more sedentary.. and fatter every year. This move toward inactivity and an increase in body fat is even more pronounced in children, who don’t get out and play anymore. Instead, they sit in front of a TV or computer (perhaps like their parents) for many of their waking hours. …

Eight Hormones and Exercise

by Greg Landry There are many physical, mental, and physiological benefits to regular exercise. One category of benefits is the impact that exercise has on many of your body’s hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers within your body that affect almost all aspects of human function: 1. Growth Hormone– Stimulates protein synthesis (muscle tone/development), and strength of bones, tendons, ligaments, and …

Don’t Do the Holiday 7

by Greg Landry As the holidays approach, a frequent question from my clients and subscribers is “How can I avoid gaining weight during the holidays”? Their concern is legitimate. The average American adult gains seven pounds of fat between Thanksgiving and New Years Day. However, with a little know-how and effort you don’t have to be “average”. In fact, I’ve …

Burning Your Stored Fuel!

by Greg Landry Imagine that you’ve got a car with a lot of stored fuel in it’s tank (your excess fat).. maybe 50 gallons or so. Your job is to get rid of the stored fuel (fat) quickly, but you can’t suck it out of the tank (no liposuction). What would you do? Here’s what I suggest.. 1. Drive your …

Best Time to Exercise?

by Greg Landry In a recent issue of my Weight Loss Newsletter newsletter, I asked subscribers to tell me their favorite time to exercise and why. I received hundreds of responses. 92% said their favorite time to exercise was in the morning. Their notes will inspire you.. I HATE to exercise but I love the results. I try to exercise …

Best Place to Workout – Gym or Home?

by Greg Landry Here’s a question that I hear many times every month, “Greg, should I workout at home or at a gym?” Well, the bottom line is certainly that you should do whatever works best for you – whatever helps you to workout consistently. I asked my newsletter subscribers where they trained and why. This will give you many …