The ‘Exercise Difference’ in Weight Loss

by Greg Landry Losing weight and maintaining that loss can be very difficult. However, both can be made considerably easier with regular exercise. If you’re interested in losing fat, you’re objective is to create a daily caloric deficit. For example, If you’re consuming 1700 calories per day, and expending 2000 calories per day, your caloric deficit is 300 calories. Losing …

The ABC’s of Working Out

by Chris Widener A healthy body is key to overall success! I can honestly say that I have never felt better physically than I do right now. I turned 34 last week and I feel better than when I was 24! I owe most of that to a daily routine of exercise. And the best news is that it is …

Sales of Salads Soar on Mondays

by Greg Landry Did you know that restaurants sell more salads on Mondays than on any other day of the week? Did you know that more people go to fitness centers on Mondays than on any other day of the week? Do you know why? You guessed it, they’re “starting over” after a weekend (or perhaps week) of unrestrained eating …

Raising Your Anaerobic Threshold

by Greg Landry Your body is able to produce energy in two ways; aerobic and anaerobic metabolism. Aerobic metabolism is the energy system used 99% of the time. It’s how you produce energy when you are able to take-in and use enough oxygen to meet your body’s current energy demands. For example, this is what you use when you’re sleeping …

Quit Whining and Get Moving!

by Greg Landry NOTE: I realize this article may offend some people, but I believe that you need to hear the truth about weight loss rather than some watered down “feel-good” version of the truth! I receive hundreds (yes, hundreds) of questions every month with this general theme… “HELP… I’m doing all the right things but I’m still not losing …

Maximize Your Muscle Tone!

by Greg Landry Are your muscles flabby, or maybe just not what they used to be? Toned muscles are important for several reasons: 1. Toned muscles send your metabolism through the roof! They have a tremendous affect on your basal metabolic rate (BMR), causing you to burn more calories 24 hours a day. 2. Toned muscles are stronger muscles. Strength …

Keys To Supercharging Your Metabolism for Weight Loss

by Greg Landry You hear it all the time – “metabolism,” but what is it? It’s the process of converting food to energy (movement and heat). Metabolism happens in your muscles and organs and the result of it is what we commonly refer to as “burning calories.” Metabolic rate is the speed at which this process is occurring. “Basal metabolic …

Intervals for Weight Loss

by Greg Landry If you’re like most people, finding time to exercise can be a challenge, so you want to get the most out of the time you do have. Including “intervals” in your exercise routine can help you maximize your weight loss and fitness results. Intervals are brief periods (about one minute) of more intense exercise mixed into your …

Health Question and Answer

by Greg Landry Q. How many calories do I burn walking or jogging a mile?A. Caloric expenditure is 62 calories per 100 pounds body weight per mile. For example, if you weight 150 pounds, you expend 93 calories per mile walked or jogged (62 x 1.5). ——————————————————————————– Q. How much does my caloric expenditure increase when I increase the incline …

Have You Given Up on Weight Loss?

by Greg Landry I receive several email messages every day from people who have given up on weight loss. They are at wits end and they don’t know what to do. They’ve “tried it all” and they believe it’s impossible for them to lose weight. Many of them have lost weight and gained it all back, and more. Some of …