Who Makes a Difference in Your Life?

by Chris Widener Take this quiz: * Name the three wealthiest people in the world.* Name the last ten Heisman trophy winners.* Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.* Name five people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize.* How about the last five Academy Award winners for best picture. How did you do? The point …

Why Do You Do What You Do?

by Chris Widener Take a look at this email I just received from a high school student: Mr. Widener, This is (Joe) a member of Mr. Johnson’s DECA chapter (Eds. note: DECA is a national business program for high school students). I would like to thank you for speaking at National competition prep day, and also at the beginning of …

Simple Ways to Super-Charge Your Goals and Make Them Work!

by Chris Widener Goals. Most people have a love-hate relationship with goals. They love them because they are such a great idea and a wonderful way to motivate us to achieve, as well as evaluate our progress, but hate them because for many, they more often than not go unattained and simply frustrate them. This isn’t what goals should do! …

All You Want is Within Your Reach

by Chris Widener If there is one thing that I believe with all my heart it is that you can have any life you choose to. You can live the life you have always dreamed of. We live in a period of unparalleled opportunity in human history. Think about it: Just one hundred years ago, most people really only had …

Get Your Goals – Guaranteed!

by Chris Widener “Goals” is a topic that many people talk about, both in a positive as well as a negative sense. Some people are goal maniacs and others think they are a waste of time. Me? I am somewhat different. I just care about one thing – results. Goals: write ’em down; don’t write ’em down, I don’t care. …

Halftime: Re-evaluating Yearly Goals

by Chris Widener Note: This article was originally written at mid year so it is good reminder around June but the principles are applicable anytime. In a sporting event, the players are given a break at the half in order to refresh themselves, look at how they played in the first half, and set strategy for the second half. So …

Make Greatness Your Goal!

by Chris Widener If greatness is your goal, whether in your business life, your personal relationships or your own personal growth, here are some guidelines to get you on your way. Greatness is possible! You can achieve the goals you set for yourself and you can make a difference in your own life and those who live and work around …

Top 10 Keys To Motivation for Exercise!

by Greg Landry Motivation is the key to consistent exercise and results! Here are my “top 10” keys to motivation: 1. Know the benefits of exercise. We are more motivated to do things that we’ll benefit from. The more we benefit => the more motivated we are. For example, if I told you I’d give you a million dollars to …

Top 10 Keys To A Successful New Years Resolution For Weight Loss & Fitness!

by Greg Landry When all the celebrating of the holiday season is over, 60% of American adults will resolve to “lose weight and get in shape” for the new year! After years of helping people reach their weight loss goals, I’ve put together 10 keys to help make your New Year’s resolution for weight loss and fitness a successful one! …

The ‘Fat-Burning Zone’ Myth

by Greg Landry You’ve probably heard it, “you have to exercise at a lower intensity to burn more fat.. to get in the “fat-burning zone.” guess what, it’s a myth! Here’s how it got started. Your body is always “burning” a mixture of carbohydrates and fat for fuel. This mixture tends to contain a little more fat during lower intensity …