writing goals

Writing Goals the Made for Success Way

Writing goals are the kinds of goals that keep an author on track with their writing, and make sure that they’re able to achieve their book publishing goals.

how long does it take to write a book

How long does it take to write a book

Do you know how long it takes to write a book? It takes as long as you need it to, as you’ll need to have the right systems of discipline in place to make sure that you write, right on time.

how much does it cost to publish a book on amazon

How Much Does it Cost to Publish a Book on Amazon

The power of Amazon cannot be overstated. It’s why we’ve invested so heavily in building our Amazon Optimization suite for our authors. As the world’s #1 book retailer, Amazon makes it easy for anybody to publish, and for free. But how much does it cost to publish a book on Amazon, in all actuality? While creating the publishing account with …

How to Outline a Nonfiction Book

Many writers fear the outline process above all else, it’s tough to know how to outline a nonfiction book. In fact, they’ll commonly avoid even starting their amazing book idea simply because the act of outlining a nonfiction book overwhelms them so much. But without having an excellent outline, you’ll be hard-pressed to organize your nonfiction book in a way …

Amazon Book Review Optimization

Whether you feel good, bad, or indifferent about it, Amazon book reviews power buying decisions. The truth is, book reviews have always played a part in what people were willing to read.  The major difference now is that we have gone from simply having a chat with our neighbor at the mailbox about what book they are reading, to reading …