by Chris Widener If you have heard me talk about leadership at all, you will know that I have a very simple definition of Leadership. Leadership is simply: Influence. That’s it. Simple. When you lead, you influence. To lead others is to influence them through various means to follow you to your vision of a preferred thought, belief or action. …
Being an Extraordinary Leader Through Tough and Challenging Times
by Chris Widener Tough and challenging times will surely come. That is a given. The question is what kind of leadership we will demonstrate during those time. Those who are weak leaders will see lasting damage done, if not see the organization fall apart completely. With Extraordinary Leaders at the helm, however, an organization can actually become stronger and thrive …
Character Traits of Extraordinary Leaders
by Chris Widener The success of every organization rests on the foundation of leadership. A group of people, whether a business, organization, family or society, can only go as far as leadership will take it. Some people do not believe that they are leaders or even that they can be a leader. I believe that every person is a …
Common Mistakes Extraordinary Leaders Don’t Make
by Chris Widener When people make a decision (either consciously or unconsciously) to follow your leadership, they do it primarily because of one of two things: Your Character or your Skills. They want to know if you are the kind of person they want to follow and if you have the skills to take them further. Yes, there are other …
Extraordinary Leadership in Tough and Challenging Times
by Chris Widener Every human organization goes through tough and challenging times, because, well, we’re human! We need to expect that tough times will come, but know that by exhibiting Extraordinary Leadership during those times, the group can come out of them stronger than ever! Here are some thoughts for you to consider on being an Extraordinary Leader during tough …
Flop-Flipping Your Flip-Flopped Priorities!
by Chris Widener Have you ever noticed that when you have the time and you sit down to write out your life and work priorities they are relatively simple to come up with? You know, you take an hour or so, go down to the coffee shop to sit and really think about your life and career and to lay …
Endless Prospects: Who Do I Talk To Next Now That My Original List Of Names Is Running Out? Part III
by Bob Burg Now you are really working from strength. Why? Plain and simply, because you are, day by day, developing a huge, ongoing list of new prospects! Since the typical person you meet has a natural sphere of influence (those they know) of about 250 people, every time you cultivate a win/win relationship with one new person, based on …
Endless Prospects: Who Do I Talk To Next Now That My Original List Of Names Is Running Out? Part II
by Bob Burg When we left off last article, you had just met some nice, quality people at a local area event. Maybe it was a “business-after-hours-type of function.” Possibly a charity ball. Maybe it was simply a party you attended at a friend’s home, where you didn’t know many of the others who were there. And, using the prospecting/networking …
Endless Prospects: Who Do I Talk To Next Now That My Original List Of Names Is Running Out?
by Bob Burg No question about it; your company provides the best product or service in your field. So, what’s the problem? Only that without an ongoing and ever-increasing number of quality names that you can add to your list on a daily basis, you’ll eventually run out of people to share your products or services with. That thought can …
Keeping Your Mind Tuned for Success
by Chris Widener Absolutely no one can overestimate the power of the mind and its role in our success! It is imperative to keep our minds right and on the right track if we are to achieve balanced success in our career, finances, health, emotions, relationships and spiritual lives. The analogy I would like to use here is one of …