Wendy is a coach, strategist, writer, entrepreneur, speaker and principal of Wendy Hearn Coaching, an international coaching company. She works with business owners, leaders and executives who want strategies to be successful, move to excellence and achieve profound breakthroughs. Wendy is passionate, inspiring, enthusiastic and her contagious energy makes her fun to work with. She’s a catalyst who brings out …
The Top 7 Secrets to a Stress Free Work Life
by Wendy Hearn 1. Take 5 minute breaks regularly throughout your day. Sit or walk on your own and relax, breathe deeply and feel peaceful. You will feel more relaxed and not so overwhelmed, increasing your level of concentration and ability to achieve more, in less time. 2. Arrive 10 minutes early for every work and personal appointment. …
The Myth of What We Manage
by Chris Widener Perhaps it is merely semantics, but an underlying problem I find that people have as it relates to the success in their life lies in a proper understanding of what exactly it is that we manage. Think about it. We have time management (In fact I have a seminar on this very topic, some of which …
Time Management Mastery
by Chris Widener From Potential to Performance One of the great things about life is that we can realistically be or do anything we choose to. This includes being a good time manager! We must believe that we can be a good time manager – that we have the potential. Unfortunately, many people say, “Well, I am just a …
The Top Ten Ways to Gain 2 Hours a Day or More!
by Chris Widener When you gain 2 hours a day, that is 14 hours a week and a whopping 728 hours a year or 18.2 workweeks! Take a look at the list below and implement a few – if not all – of them and see how much time you gain this week and how much more you accomplish! …
A Prioritized Task List
by Chris Widener A great time saver is a prioritized task list. It will take you a few minutes to do but in the long run will save you lots of time by getting you doing the things that you need to be doing. It will save you a lot of angst to, as you will get the most …
A Little Equation that Creates Big Results
by Chris Widener “The purpose of man is in action not thought.” – Thomas Carlyle Often people will ask me how I get so much done in my life. They wonder at how I am able to accomplish so many things. The answer is found not in what a great person I am, but in an equation I came up …
Time Management Mastery II
by Chris Widener The Essentials of Time and Personal Management Six foundational reasons for managing your time. Most of us know how to manage our time. It is pretty simple really. What most of us miss are compelling reasons to manage our time. We know the “how” but miss the “why.” Here are six foundational reasons I have that motivate …
Laura Stack, MBA, CSP
Laura Stack, MBA, CSP, has consulted with Fortune 500 corporations for nearly 20 years in the field of personal productivity. She helps individuals, teams, leaders, and businesses create Maximum Results in Minimum Time® and develop high-performance cultures. She is the president of The Productivity Pro®, Inc., which specializes in productivity improvement in high-stress organizations. Since 1992, Laura has presented keynotes …
Help! My Time is Completely Uncontrollable!
by Laura Stack I met recently with a client at Denver Water for his 1-on-1 “In the Trenches” appointment to get organized. When I first arrived, he stated, “I would be completely organized if it weren’t for other people. As it is, my day is so uncontrollable that I never have enough time to get things done.” Sound familiar? Many …