Like A Song On the Radio, Make Your Words Unforgettable

by Bryan Heathman Your tone of voice can have a greater impact on your powers of persuasion than the words you use. There’s no doubt that your voice is a powerful instrument. But what are you doing to control it? There are distinct methods to make your message as haunting or as catchy as a song on the radio so …

How To Speak with Anyone: 3 Tips for Getting Your Point Across Clearly

by Bryan Heathman Who is the most effective conversationalist you know?  What makes them stand-out in the crowd? Public figures like Cicero, Napoleon Bonaparte, Winston Churchill and Ronald Reagan live on today because of their verbal prowess. They knew how to move nations with their ideas. In communicating your ideas in a conversation, have you given thought to the structure you …

A Leader’s Communication – 3 Tips for Converting Hearts & Minds with Words

by Bryan Heathman Increasingly, as the shrinking world encroaches on that endangered species known as Attention, the need to influence – and to influence quickly – grows more urgent all the time. Whoever said, “Talk is cheap” obviously wasn’t sending a text message to his teenager. The price of Attention grows more precious all the time. Whether you’re trying to …

Standing On the Shoulders of the Giants In Your Industry

What does it take to become a legend in your industry, someone whose legacy will live on for the next hundred years and beyond? What does it take for your life’s work to have meaning outside your own backyard – to transcend the here and now? How can you leave a legacy for those who come after you in the …

What To Communicate When You’re Communicating

by Bryan Heathman Have you ever noticed that some people seem to have all the answers? No matter what the topic is, they always seem to communicate their opinion with ease and style. They can sit down at a table in a fancy Italian restaurant and order with the ease of cable news anchor, sharing a private joke with the …

The 4 Components for Developing an Epic Brand

by Bryan Heathman “What we learn only through the ears makes less impression upon our minds than what is presented to the trustworthy eye.” ~ Horace Wherever you are, whatever professional path you’re pursuing, you’ve got to come across to the people you want most to reach. If you want to have any influence at all, you’ve got to grab …

Are You Coming Across? The Truth May Surprise You

by Bryan Heathman What is the power of having a personal brand? And why does this matter to you? Just as a corporate brand is often the literal heartbeat of a company, your personal brand is at the core of how people remember what you are about as a professional. I may not need to say this, but I’ll lay …

When Fortune Finds You, Will You Be Ready?

by Bryan Heathman Publisher, Made For Success Follow These Best Practices for Crafting Your Position As A Leader   There are many styles of Leadership, as any glance at a Google search will tell you. Try typing the term “Leadership Styles” into your browser and see what comes up. You’ll find close to a million results.   That means the …

Setting Career Objectives: 9 Steps to Achieve Career Goals

by Elizabeth Conley   How to Set Career Objectives & Achieve Career Goals   Many people find that the pressures of juggling with work, family and everyday life means that our career goals and career plans are more difficult to achieve than we had hoped. Well-intended resolutions such as setting up new career objectives are soon given up. However, when …