Techniques to Break your Business Goals into Manageable Steps

Techniques to Break your Business Goals into Manageable Steps What’s your long term business vision? Whether it’s becoming fully self-employed, opening a retail outlet, or tapping into an international ecommerce market, the logistics of turning your vision into a reality can seem overwhelming to say the least. Big goals like these don’t happen overnight, and it’s easy to get discouraged …

Falling In Love With Your Future

Is there a secret formula for Leadership? No, it’s not really a secret. Being an exceptional Leader requires passion, commitment and intuitive vision. In a word, it takes heart. If you have a passion for the thrill and independence of being a Leader, plus you have the commitment to follow through on that passion, here is a breakout formula that …

Laughter is the Best Medicine

“The human race has only one really effective weapon and that is laughter.” ~Mark Twain If you are in a Leadership role, giving a presentation, or talking in front of a group, then you know how hard it can be at times to get your ideas across. Winning over your audience can be tough, especially if you don’t first establish …

Did You Say What I think You Said!?

As a leader, you’ve probably heard lots of talk about empowering others. It’s a great concept, but when you get right down to it, there’s little evidence that it’s actually happening whenever it really is happening. Even more important, there are times when the leader’s job is to, uh… y’know – LEAD. As a leader, you’re privy to a lot …

RESPECT – Find Out What it Means to Me

If we asked Aretha Franklin’s advice on leadership, what would she say? “RESPECT, that is what it means to me. Just a little respect, just a little bit!” Respect is a funny thing, especially as it relates to Leadership roles. Some people offer their respect to everyone they meet, freely and gladly. They live by the credo, “My respect is …

Leadership and Effectiveness – The 7 C’s of Getting Results

by Bryan Heathman Have you ever been cornered into buying something you didn’t really want? If you’re like most people, you’ve stocked your cupboards with more than your fair share of Girl Scout Cookies and other non-essentials sold door to door by smiling, big-eyed neighbor kids. It’s almost impossible to resist. Time and again, people in cultures around the world …

Leadership and Drive: Accessing the Power of Teamwork

by Bryan Heathman A mentor of mine once said there are two reasons for doing anything: the STATED reason, and the REAL reason. The REAL reason is the thing that impels us to act. So, what drives us into action? The REAL reason is what makes a football player finish a championship game with a taped-up dislocated elbow – an …